आईएएस परीक्षा में सफलता के गुर: विजेंद्र सिंह चौहान से बातचीत | IAS Civil Services Exam

सोपान के पाँचवें अंक मेंः देबाशीष की डेरिंग, आईएएस परीक्षा में सफलता के गुर विजेंद्र सिंह चौहान 'मसिजीवी' की जुबानी और शार्क टैंक के निवेशकों के हाथ से छूटे एक सुनहरे मौके का रोचक किस्सा, जो शायद 9 साल बाद शार्क टैंक इंडिया पर दोहराया गया हो।
🪑 Episode Guest(s):




In this episode, veteran educator and coach Vijender Singh Chauhan ‘Masijeevi’ demystifies the Civil Services Examination and provides useful tips for IAS aspirants; a passing thought for the occasions that demand “daring”, and an interesting anecdote of an investment opportunity that the sharks refused in the recently concluded, maiden season, of Shark Tank India show. Will they regret it, like the sharks from the original American show did 9 years ago?

Comments from the old blog

Mayur Bhagia (Mar 6, 2022)

Awesome Mr Vijendra and Debashish, super insightful episode. Start to Finish was learning voyage be it your lessons on confidence or be it story of Jamie. Loved it. Also loved the guidance from Mr Vijendra on most important personality traits which will help individuals like me either in corporate world or civil services.